Fantastic TOTORO Meals

Meals of Japanese popular anime "Ghibli", that I cooked

大オムそばトトロ The big TOTORO's yakisoba


The big TOTORO's yakisoba


Yakisoba is a Japanese dish of fried noodles, meats, n' vegetables served with a thick, sweetish sauce. We call the egg-covered one, "Omusoba". I tried to cook it of the big TOTORO!!


作り方 How to cook him

材料(大トトロ 1匹分) Ingredients for 1 big TOTORO

焼きそば用の麺   1人前
Noodles of Yakisoba for 1 person

添付のソース    1人前
Yakisoba sauce for 1 person

卵         2個
2 eggs

タマネギ      4分の1個
a quarter of onion

ニンジン      4分の1本
a quarter of carrot

豚肉        50〜80g
50~80g of pork

中濃ソース     少し
brown sauce a little

塩こしょう     少々
a little bit salt n' pepper

1. フライパンで、小さく切った豚肉とタマネギ、ニンジンを塩こしょうで炒める。
  Stir fry the cut pork, onion, and carrot with salt n' pepper.

2. 麺をほぐしながらフライパンに入れ、水を少し入れてなじませたら添付のソースを入れて混ぜる。
  Put the noodles and a little bit water. Then, put the Yakisoba sauce too.Mix them.

3. 焼きそばを平らになるように盛りつけ、腕と耳の形も作る。
  Put them into the dish to shape like a flat TOTORO.

  Mix eggs, and bake it on the frying pan, with very small fire.

5. 卵が焼けたら、キッチンばさみでまーるく切り、お腹と白目を作る。
  Cut the eggs into circles. into TOTORO's stomach and eyes.

6. ニンジンのうちのひとかけらを小さく切り、鼻にする。目とお腹の模様を中濃ソースで丁寧に描けばできあがり!
  Cut the carrot as a nose. And paint his eyes n' the design of stomach with brown sauce.